
At the time of move-in, each tenant is asked to complete the Emergency Coordinator & Special Needs Personnel Form (found in Section VII of this Manual) designating personnel that will be responsible for taking charge in the event of an emergency as well as identifying each tenants special needs personnel. It is up to each tenant to assure that this form is updated when designated personnel leave employment of the firm or for other reasons are no longer able to perform the outlined duties of emergency personnel. While the Management Office may periodically host Emergency Coordinator training, the general responsibilities are outlined here. It is the responsibility of all Emergency Coordinator personnel to familiarize themselves with these guidelines as well as all of the building’s Emergency Procedures. 

There are several responsibilities for designated Emergency Coordinators that are listed below:

  • An Emergency Coordinator will be assigned by each Tenant and will take charge of his/her particular tenant suite during an emergency. In emergency situations, the Emergency Coordinator is responsible to the Management Office and the Fire Department.
  • The Emergency Coordinator will be thoroughly familiar with the Emergency Procedures Manual and with any additions or revisions. He/She must be familiar with physical features of his/her areas including but not limited to smoke detector locations, fire extinguisher(s), emergency exits, pull stations, etc. and the number of occupants in his/her assigned areas or suite.
  • The Emergency Coordinator will maintain and provide to the Management Office a current list of persons who are disabled or would have difficulty during an emergency. The Emergency Coordinator will assign special assistants to aid these occupants, if evacuation should become necessary. The names of special assistants should be made a part of the Tenant’s plan and filed with the Management Office.
  • In the event of an evacuation, the Emergency Coordinator will be responsible for checking each office, conference room, etc. in his/her area or suite to ensure that everyone has heard the alarm and is in the process of following evacuation or emergency procedures. Once the evacuation is completed, the Emergency Coordinator will make a count of all occupants, visitors, etc. from his/her area, at the designated assembly area to determine all have been accounted for and report the count to the Management Office or the Fire Department.
  • The Emergency Coordinator should be completely familiar with floor plans, the number of occupants within his/her tenant space and the location of all floor exits. He/She will daily examine corridors leading to his/her assigned area or suite to determine that all fire doors to the stairs are maintained in the closed position and that no doors are obstructed or inoperable. Most important, if a fire is within his/her assigned area or suite, he/she will see that the door to the room containing the fire is CLOSED!
  • The Emergency Coordinator will appoint an Assistant Emergency Coordinator to act during his/her absence.
  • The Emergency Coordinator shall confirm that all occupants from their space is safely evacuated their floor and should immediately report the location of anyone that did not evacuate to the Fire Department so they may assist them.
  • An area in the Private Parking Garage has been designated as a meeting place for each tenant. It is important that this designated area be utilized by all personnel in order for the Emergency Coordinators to confirm that all occupants have safely exited the Building. The Emergency Coordinator must then report to the Private Parking Garage 1st Floor Elevator Lobby, where the designated Management Office Personnel will be awaiting their reports.
  • The Management Office Personnel will then notify the Fire Safety Director and the Fire Department who are located in the Fire Control Room that all tenants are accounted for in the garage or, if necessary, give the locations of people who did not exit the building.

Special Needs Personal 

  • Each Emergency Coordinator shall survey his/her area or suite and make a list of disabled person(s) who would require assistance in the evacuation of the floor or the building during an emergency. Persons on crutches who are temporarily impaired and pregnant women shall also be included on this list of disabled persons.
  • The Emergency Coordinator shall assign special assistants to each person on the special needs list. These special assistants shall normally be located in the direct vicinity of the special needs person and shall be capable of quickly assisting the special needs person in the evacuation of the floor or building.
  • The designation of these special assistants should be in the Emergency Plans prepared by each Tenant and submitted to the Management Office. Please fill out the Emergency Coordinator & Special Needs Personnel Form provided by the Management Office.
  • The Emergency coordinator shall also make provision for assisting injured or special needs visitors during an Emergency Evacuation.
  • Special Needs Personal Evacuation Procedures
    The Emergency Coordinator or Special Assistant will assist in helping the special needs person(s) to the elevator lobby area to wait for assistance.
  • Emergency Coordinator will advise the Fire Department immediately when evacuating the building and then the Management Office Personnel when they check in at the 1st Floor Level of the Private Parking Garage where the special needs person(s) are located in the building.

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